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Narration in detail for JSC,SSC & HSC (14.04.20)


বক্তা যাহা বলে তাহাই narration বা উক্তি।
Narration দুই প্রকার :
  1. Direct Narration
  2. Indirect Narration
Direct Narration: যখন কোন কথা কে পরিবর্তন না করে অবিকল সে ভাষাই ব্যক্ত করা হয় তখন তাকে Direct Narration বলে। ইহাকে inverted commas এর মধ্যে রাখা হয়।
Inverted commas এর ভিতরের অংশে বক্তা তার বক্তব্য উদ্ধৃতি করে আর একে Reported Speech বলে। বক্তার বক্তব্যে বাইরের verb কে reporting verb বলে।
Indirect Narration: যখন কোন কথা কে পরিবর্তন করে সে ভাষা ব্যক্ত করা হয় তখন তাকে Indirect Narration বলে।
★★★Narration পারতে হলে যা জানতে হবে।
1. Sentence চেনার উপায় ।
2. Sentence এর পরিবর্তন ।
3. Person এর পরিবর্তন ।
4. Verb এর পরিবর্তন ।
***1. Sentence চেনার উপায় ।
1. Assertive= Subject প্রথমে থাকলে ।
যেমন: Raihan is my son.
2. Interrogative=Wh Question +Auxiliary Verb অথবা Auxiliary Verb প্রথমে থাকলে । শেষে?
যেমন: Where are you going to? Are you eating?
3. Imperative=Present Form, Don’t/Never+Present Form, Please, Kindly, Let প্রথমে থাকলে ।
যেমন: See it. Don’t call there. Please sit down.
4. Optative=May প্রথমে থাকলে । শেষে Full Stop.
যেমন: May you live long.
5. Exclamatory=What a/an How+adjective, Hurrah, Alas ইত্যাদি থাকলে । শেষে!
যেমন: What a fine boy you are!
* 2. Sentence এর পরিবর্তন
Said to—–Comma
1. Assertive= told—–that
2. Interrogative=asked—-if/wh question
3. Imperative=present form হলে ordered —to
don’t/never হলে prohibited— not to
please/kindly হলে requested—to
উপদেশ হলে advised—to
Let থাকলে proposed to—that (might)
4. Optative=wished/prayed—that
5. Exclamatory=exclaimed with joy—that
exclaimed with sorrow—that
* 3. Person এর পরিবর্তন ।
First Person – Reporting Verb এর Subject অনুসারে । (I, me, my, we, us, our)
Second Person- Reporting Verb এর Object অনুসারে (You, your)
Third Person- পরিবর্তন নেই ।
narration shortcut rules
***4. Verb এর পরিবর্তন ।
Present form হয় Past form– had+vpp
am,is,are–was, were
was,were–had been
must–had to
did–had পরের verb টি VPP
do/does প্রশ্নের সময় উঠে যায় ।
* পরিবর্তন হয় না
would, could, should, might
For example
Direct: Kabir said to Shawan, ”I write a letter.”
Indirect: Kabir told Shawan that he wrote a letter.
Sentence চেনার উপায় =Sentence টি assertive
Sentence এর পরিবর্তন = told–that
Person এর পরিবর্তন =I first-person Subject Kabir তাই he হয়েছে
Verb এর পরিবর্তন = present form–past form হয়েছে
* বি:দ্র= said (past tense)এর স্থানে say/shall,will(present/future) হলে 4নং Verb এর কোন পরিবর্তন হবে না
For example
Direct: Kabir says to Shawan, ”I write a letter.”
Indirect: Kabir tells Shawan that he writes a letter.
Passage narration লেখার সময় কিছু নির্দিষ্ট নিয়ম অনুসরণ করা হয়। সব নিয়মগুলো নিচে উদাহরণসহ বর্ণিত হল:
Rule 1:
প্রথমে, সম্পূর্ণ passage টি পড়ে বক্তা এবং শ্রোতাকে চিহ্নিত করতে হবে। তারপর তাদের উক্তিগুলোর ক্রিয়ার ধরন বুঝতে হবে।
  • Will you come with me?”, said Pria to Ria. “I will come.” Said Ria. (Direct)
  • Pria asked Ria if she would come with her. Ria replied that she would come. (Indirect)
Rule 2:
যখন reporting verb sentence-এর মাঝে বা শেষে থাকে তবে একে Indirect করতে তাকে sentence-এর শুরুতে subject-এর পরে বসাতে হবে।
  • “Where do you live?”, said Tina. “I live at Dhanmondi.”, said Rina. (Direct)
  • Tina asked Rina where she lived. Rina replied that she lived at Dhanmondi. (Indirect)
Rule 3:
Passage-এ যদি বক্তা একের অধিক উক্তি ব্যবহার করে তবে প্রথম উক্তি উল্লেখ করার পর, পরবর্তী উক্তিগুলো উল্লেখ করার সময় নিম্নোক্ত নিয়মগুলো অনুসরণ করা হয়:
i. Assertive sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: also said/again said, added/further added, প্রভৃতি ব্যবহার করা হয়।
ii. Interrogative sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: also asked/again asked/ further asked, প্রভৃতি ব্যবহার করা হয়।
iii. Imperative sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: ordered to/ and requested, প্রভৃতি ব্যবহার করা হয়।
iv. Optative sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: wished/prayed that, প্রভৃতি ব্যবহার করা হয়।
v. Exclamatory sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: exclaimed with happiness/ joy that/in grief that/sorrow that, প্রভৃতি ব্যবহার করা হয়।
  • “I will help you to solve this problem. I am responsible for it.” The boy said. “Why did you do it? Do you have time for it? You are leaving Dhaka this evening.” I said. (Direct)
  • The boy told me that he would solve this problem. He added that he was responsible for it. I asked him the reason for doing it. I also asked if he had time for it. I added that he was leaving Dhaka that evening. (Indirect)
Rule 4:
যদি reported speech-এ শুধু “Yes”থাকে তবে Subject+ replied in the affirmative বা Subject+ Auxilliary Verb ব্যবহার করা হয় এবং reported speech-এ “Yes”-এর পর আরও বক্তব্য থাকে তবে Subject+ replied in the affirmative and said that ব্যবহৃত হয়।
  • I said to him, “Have you done the math?”. “Yes. I have also done another one.” He said. (Direct)
  • I asked him if he had done the math. He replied in the affirmative. Or, he said that he had. And he said that he had also done another one. (Indirect)
Rule 5:
যদি reported speech-এ শুধু “No” থাকে তবে Subject+ replied in the negative বা Subject+ Auxilliary Verb+ not ব্যবহার করা হয় এবং reported speech-এ “No” এর পর আরও বক্তব্য থাকে তবে Subject+ replied in the negative and said that ব্যবহৃত হয়।
  • I said to him, “Have you done the math?”. “No. I will do it later.” He said. (Direct)
  • I asked him if he had done the math. He replied in the negative. Or, he said that he had not. And he said that he would do it later. (Indirect)
Rule 6:
যখন direct speech-এ “Sir” থাকে, indirect speech “Sir” এর পরিবর্তে with respect/respectfully/ politely ব্যবহার করবে।
  • The student said to the teacher,” Sir, will you teach me the math?” (Direct)
  • The student asked the teacher respectfully if he would teach him the math. / The student respectfully asked the teacher if he would teach him the math. (Indirect)
Rule 7:
যদি direct speech-এ কাউকে সম্বোধন করা হয় তবে indirect speech-এ addressing as ব্যবহৃত হয়।
  • “Are you okay, Tonni?” said Piu. (Direct)
  • Addressing as Tonni, Piu asked if she was okay. (Indirect)
Rule 8:
যদি inverted comma-র বাইরে reporting speech-এ “ask” থাকে, তবে তা indirect speech-এ subject-এর পরে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
  • “Are you coming?” asked Rina looking at me. “You may join me when I ” Rina said. (Direct)
  • Looking at me, Rina asked If I was going. She suggested me to join her when she would go. (Indirect)
Rule 9:
যখন reported speech-এ “Thank” থাকে, তখন indirect speech, reported verb’s subject+ thanked+ reported verb’s object ব্যবহার করে।
  • Karim said to me, “Thank you.” (Direct)
  • Karim thanked me. (Indirect)
Rule 10:
যদি reported speech-এ “Good bye” থাকে তবে indirect speech, reported verb’s subject+ bade+ reported verb’s object+ good bye ব্যবহার করবে।
  • She said Lira, “Goodbye.” (Direct)
  • She bade Lira goodbye. (Indirect)
Rule 11:
যদি reported speech-এ good night/good morning/ good evening থাকে তবে indirect speech, reported verb’s subject+ wished+ reported verb’s object+ good night/good morning/ good evening ব্যবহার করবে।
  • He said to her, “Good evening.” (Direct)
  • He wished her good evening. (Indirect) 
  • Exercise of passage Narration  
1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 
"What is the time by your watch? said an old man. I said, "It is half-past nine." He said, "I want to go to your house. Will you accompany me, please?" "No, I am sorry because I am going to school," said I.

2. Change the narrative style of the following text. 
"Good morning Rupa." said Sohel, "How much preparation have you taken for the upcoming SSC Exam?" "A great preparation" replied she. "I hope, I shall get 90+ marks in every subject." "How confident you are!" said Sohel.

3. Change the narrative style of the following text. 
The students said, "We want to celebrate the victory of the National Debate Competition." The headmaster said, "Why?" The students said, "We want to make it memorable in our life." The headmaster said, "Don't worry. I shall take all the necessary steps to arrange the function."
Please give me your English Grammar and Composition Book." said Sara. "I cannot give it. " said Niha. "I have to take it with me in the class." "I shall return the book before the class starts. " said Sara. "Take it. " said Niha. " Thank you." Said Sara.
The teacher said to the boy, "Why are you disturbing the class in this way? Don't you know that it is an important class? Get out of the room and don't come back today." "Excuse me, sir." said the boy. "I'll never disturb in the class." he promised.

Rina said to Karim, "How are you? I went to your house yesterday but did not find you. Where did you go?" "I went to book fair" said Karim. "I had to maintain our school's stall."
The stranger said to the boy, "Can you tell me the way to the nearest hotel?" "Yes, Sir, I can. Do you want a residential one in which you can spend the night?" said the boy. "I don't want to stay there but I only want a meal." replied the man. "Paradis Garden will be better for you." said the boy.
Rifat said to Munir, "You didn't attend my birthday party." "Extremely sorry, friend." Munir replied, "I had to go to my uncle's house in Dhaka. How was the program?" "Let me show you the photographs." said Rifat.
"Why you are putting up the food in your pocket, Sir?" asked the nobleman. "I am doing the right thing. My dress deserves the rich dishes." replied Sheikh Saadi. "Please tell me clearly what you mean to say?" said the nobleman.
"Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?" asked Shabab "No, I have never been there." replied Labib. "But I desire for visiting the place" "I had an opportunity to visit the sea beach last year." said Shabab" "Let us go there this week"
"Why are your children crying, my daughter?" said the Caliph. "They have been starving." said the woman. "Have you none else in the world?" "My husband died some months ago. He left them neither money nor any property. So, they are in great distress. They have to starve sometimes." "Oh! Let me see, how I can help you." said the Caliph.
How much do you want?" said the Mayor. "A thousand guilders." said the pied piper. " All right," said the Mayor. "We'll pay you a thousand guilders. When will you set to work?" "Now," said the pied piper.

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