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English 2nd, HSC,

1. Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put a cross (×) in those blanks.                                                               .5×10=5

Truthfulness is a) ------- greatest of all b) ------- virtues which makes c) ------- man really great. If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking d) ------- truth, we cannot command e) ------- confidence of others. f) ------- man whom nobody believes can never be great in life. We might succeed once or twice by telling g) ------- lie but it never brings a god result. h) -------lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow if comes to light. Then i) -------real character of j) ------- liar is revealed and nobody believes him.

Answer:  a) the        b) × / the         c) a        d) the         e) the      f) The / A         g) a        h) A             i) the       j) a/the                                                                            

2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:                                                                 .5×10=5

I am glad to receive your letter. You have wanted to know a) --------  the picnic that we made. I am now writing b) -------- you about it. It was summer vacation. Our college was closed. I c) -------- some of my friends arranged a picnic. We selected Sonargaon d) -------- the picnic spot. It is some twenty miles from Dhaka. We got e) --------- the bus f) -------- about  10am g) --------- all necessary utensils and materials. h) -------- reaching Sonargaon, we finished our breakfast i) -------- about 10:30 am. We did not take any cook j) -------- us.

Answer: a) about     b) to    c) with   d) for   e) into   f) at  g) with  h)  After / On   i) at   j) with

3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases / words given in the box.                           .5×10=5

was born


has to

would rather

let alone

as soon as


what’s it like

had better

as if

a) He is sick. He ----- stay at home than go to the picnic.

b) He has never travelled by air, ------- in the sky?

c) I went there to meet with him. -------- I saw him, I rushed to talk to him.

d) Jordan’s father is a low paid service holder. He has no ability to buy a bicycle  -----  a motorcycle.

e) She looks very anxious. So, she -------- take rest.

f) I am surprised to hear his speeches. He speaks ----- he knew the ins and outs of the incident.

g) Alex feels pain in his chest. He ------- go to the hospital to meet with the doctor.

h) ------- is nothing but a primary school in our village.

i) Tagore ------- in 1861. He was awarded the Noble Prize for literature in 1913.

j) Let’s go to the playground, ------- is not worth waiting any longer.

Answer:   a) would rather           b) what’s it like       c) as soon as           d) let alone            e) has to        f) as if                     g) had better         h)  There          i) was born               j) it

4. Complete the sentences using suitable clauses / phrases.                                                 .5×10=5 
a) I study medicine so that ------- .

b) Unity is strength. United we stand, -------.

c) The poor man knocked at my door. He came to me with a view to ------ .

d) I found a box in the room. The box was too heavy for ----------

e) Mr. Zafor is very hard-working. If the bank gives him loan, he -------- .

f) Do not worry about Jim. He ------ after he has finished his study.

g) She went to market yesterday. Had you requested her, she  --------.

 h) Time has its wings. It was five years since we ------------- .

i) We had to walk through a jungle. We saw a snake while ------ .

j) Everybody will go to the graveyard after death. A graveyard is a place .......... .

Answer:   a) I can be a medicine specialist.         b) divided we fall.          c) getting some food.  / getting help.                 d) me to carry.                    e) can be self-sufficient / can be self-reliant/ can be affluent.               f) will come back / will return.         g) would  have helped you.            h) had met.   i) were walking         j) where the dead people are buried.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context. .5×10=5                             

A teacher is often a) ------- (compare) with an architect. He b) ------- (call) the architect of a nation. He plays an important role in c) ------- (build) a nation. He d) ------- (make) the illiterate people worthy citizens of our country. But it is a matter of regret that the teachers are not e) ------- (hold) in high respect in our society. They f) -------  (lead) a humble life in the  midst of want. Still they g) ------ (keep) the light of education h) ------- (burn) in order to i) ------- (remove) the darkness of illiteracy and superstition from the society. It is high time we j) ------- (change) our attitude towards the teacher.

Answer:  a) compared             b) is called               c) building                 d) makes                  e) held  f) leads / has to lead                g) are keeping           h) burning                 i) remove           j) changed

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